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Article (20)(5)(a) of the Corporate Tax Law authorizes the MoF to ‘prescribe … the circumstances and conditions under which a Person may prepare financial statements using the cash basis of accounting’. On May 9, 2023 the MoF exercised this authority in Decision No. 114 allowing to ‘prepare Financial Statements using the Cash Basis of Accounting, in any of the following instances: 1. Where the Person derives Revenue that does not exceed AED 3,000,000. 2. In exceptional circumstances and pursuant to an application submitted by the Person to the Authority’. What else do we know about this cash method?
The law on the “linear amnesty” has come into force. The Law was adopted in pursuance of the Russian President's instruction No. Pr-1842 dated 12 November 2020 to develop mechanisms for the registration of rights to infrastructure lines created before the modern legal system of city-planning regulation appeared.
A distribution company (‘Distribution Co’) is incorporated in a free zone in the UAE. This zone is not included in the list of the designated zones. However, Distribution Co buys products and orders services from third parties to transport and store them in a UAE designated zone, and then distributes to the UAE mainland or abroad arranging delivery to the buyers (customers). Does this activity qualify for 0% Corporate Income Tax (CIT)?