
Requirements have been established for the architectural and urban look of a capital construction facility and the rules for approving it

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Pepeliaev Group advises that the Russian Government has adopted a ResolutionResolution No. 857 of the Russian Government dated 29 May 2023 “On approving requirements for the architectural and urban look of a capital construction facility and Rules for approving the architectural and urban look of a capital construction facility".
 with requirements for an architectural and urban look of a capital construction facility and the rules for approving it.

The resolution has been adopted in pursuance of earlier amendments to the town planning legislation and will be in effect from 1 September 2023 to 1 September 2028. The Resolution does not apply to the cities of federal importance: Moscow, St Petersburg and Sevastopol.Resolution No. 284-PP of the Moscow City Government dated 30 April 2013, Resolution No. 407 of the St Petersburg Government dated 12 May 2022 and Resolution No. 205-PP of the Sevastopol Government dated 16 March 2017, respectively, are in effect for the cities of federal importance.

Requirements for the architectural and urban look of a facility

In addition to the spatial and dimensional, as well as architectural and stylistic, properties of capital construction facilities listed in the Town-Planning Code of Russia, the Resolution specifies additional requirements for the architectural and urban look of a capital construction facility (‘CCF’) that may be established in town-planning regulation, specifically:

  • requirements for colour compositions of CCFs;
  • requirements for finishing and/or construction materials shaping the architectural look of CCFs;
  • requirements for how technical and utility equipment may be placed on façades of CCFs;
  • requirements for the illumination of façades of CCFs.

Rules for approving the architectural and urban look of a facility

The Rules will apply during the construction and reconstruction of CCFs.

A local authority’s approval of the look of a facility is required, which is obtained by sending an application and certain sections of design documents. In certain situations it may not be necessary to submit design documents.

The local authority examines the application within 10 business days from the date on which it receives the documents. The resolution to approve the architectural and urban look of a CCF is published on the local authority’s official website.

In addition, a list of facilities has been established for which no approval of the look is required: hydrotechnical structures, as well as facilities pertaining to electricity, gas, heat and water supply and water removal systems.

What to think about and what to do

The Russian Government’s Resolution on the architectural and urban look will replace multifaceted regulatory acts of constituent entities of Russia and establish unified regulating rules (except for CCFs in cities of federal importance).

Account must be taken of the changes to the process of obtaining approval for the architectural and urban planning look of buildings when plans are made for the relevant works.

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