
Restrictions and measures of state support for business: the digest for 13 – 26 January 2025

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Fines will be increased for the failure to submit information regarding a transaction

Draft federal law No. 823655-8

The draft has been put before the State Duma.

It has been proposed that the sizes of fines be increased for the failure to submit applications with the Russian Federal Antimonopoly Service regarding transactions being made or applications with information known to be false and/or for violating the procedure/missing the deadlines for submitting same (article 19.8(3) of the Code of Administrative Offences).

The relevant fine for individuals will be RUB 30,000 to RUB 50,000; for a company’s officers it will be RUB 70,000 to RUB 100,000, and for legal entities it will be RUB 800,000 to RUB 1 million.

The fines for white-collar crimes may be raised

The draft federal law

Public discussions are now taking place.

Amendments to the Criminal Code have been proposed whereby fines are raised with respect to 36 elements of crimes, including for:

  • fraud related to intentionally not performing contractual obligations, if doing so has resulted in: significant damage (article 159(5) of the Criminal Code) – up to RUB 500,000; large damage (article 159(6) of the Criminal Code) – between RUB 150,000 and RUB 800,000; especially large damage (article 159(7) of the Criminal Code) – up to RUB 1,500,000;
  • production, purchase, storage, transportation or sale of goods and products without labelling (article 171.1(1) of the Criminal Code) – up to RUB 500,000; if committed by a group of persons (article 171.1(1.1.) of the Criminal Code) - between RUB 150,000 and RUB 500,000;
  • unlawfully using another person’s trademark / service mark / appellation of origin (article 180(1) of the Criminal Code) – between RUB 200,000 and RUB 600,000; if committed by a group of persons (article 180(2) of the Criminal Code) – between RUB 300,000 and RUB 600,000; if committed by an organised group (article 180(3) of the Criminal Code) – between 1,000,000 and RUB 2,500,000;
  • evading taxes, levies and insurance contributions (article 199(1) of the Criminal Code) – between RUB 500,000 and RUB 1,500,000; if committed by a group of persons or resulting in an especially large damage (article 199(2) of the Criminal Code) – between RUB 1,000,000 and RUB 1,500,000;
  • breach of public procurement legislation (article 200.4(1) of the Criminal Code – up to RUB 300,000; if committed by a group of persons or resulting in an especially large damage (article 200.4 (2) of the Criminal Code) – between RUB 300,000 and RUB 1,500,000;
  • restricting competition by entering into a cartel (article 178(1) of the Criminal Code – between RUB 800,000 and RUB 1,500,000.


The specifics of state control have been set out in greater detail

The Russian Government’s Decree No. 1955 dated 28/12/2024

Came into force on 1 January 2025, except for individual provisions.

It has been provided that compulsory preventive visits according to the instructions of the President or of the head/ deputy head of the Government that were planned for 2025 and those not completed by 2025 are to be held under the procedure that applied as at the date of the instruction.

Also, amendments have been made to the Russian Government’s Resolution No. 336 on the specifics of organising and exercising state control (supervision) and municipal control dated 10 March 2022. Specifically:

  • The period is extended until 1 September 2026 whereby the observance of compulsory requirements for sales of individual types of products is assessed with account being taken of the established specifics;
  • individual provisions remain in effect until 1 January 2030, among them: on a resolution being adopted to take preventive, controlling and supervisory measures, as well as to issue certificates and instructions to eliminate violations by including the relevant information in the unified register of controlling (supervisory) measures without an individual resolution /certificate being issued.

Please be advised

Further to your request, we can prepare tailor-made overviews of Russian legislation for you relating to current and future restrictions and measures of state support for business. For more details, please follow the link, or contact Oksana Bodryagina at: o.bodryagina@pgplaw.ru

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