
Restrictions and measures of state support for business: the digest for 27 January – 2 February 2025

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The sale of an interest in an LLC may be simplified

Draft federal law No. 788656-8

Has been passed by the State Duma in the first reading.

Amendments have been proposed to Federal Law No. 14-FZ “On limited liability companies” dated 8 February 1998.

In particular, it may be specified in the articles of association that an LLC is not entitled to apply provisions regarding the pre-emptive right of (all or certain) members to acquire other members’ interests.

Such a condition may be included in the articles of association when the company is founded or when such articles of association are amended. It may also be subsequently taken out of the articles of association. The requirements are being established for how the members in an LLC pass the relevant resolutions (see Pepeliaev Group’s comment).

The rules will be adjusted for controlling the processing of PD

The Russian Government’s draft decree

Public discussions are now taking place.

Amendments have been proposed to the regulation regarding federal state control / supervision of personal data (PD) processing (see the Russian Government’s Decree No. 1046 dated 29 June 2021).  Specifically, with respect to measures without interaction with the controlled person it is specified that:

  • They are conducted using, among other things, the controlling bodies’ information systems;
  • if any breaches / signs of breaches are identified, among other things:
    • the PD operator receives a warning that violations are prohibited and that measures will be applied to comply with requirements;
    • measures are applied to induce the operator to stop processing, destroy PD or arrange for cessation / destruction (if another person is carrying out processing upon the operator's instructions).


Updates have been made to the procedure for issuing permissions to purchase foreign goods

The Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade’s Order No. 7 dated 9 January 2025

Came into force on 30 January 2025.

With a view to implementing the measures for applying national treatment in relation to purchases under laws Nos. 44-FZ and 223-FZ:

  • Order No. 2276 of the Ministry of Industry and Trade dated 24 May 2024 on the procedure for issuing permissions for purchasing foreign manufactured goods has been repealed;
  • the new procedure for issuing such permissions has been approved. Requirements have been established for an application to have a permission issued, as well as for the deadline and the procedure for examining same. The permission is issued for one purchase and remains in effect for 18 months.

Please be advised

Further to your request, we can prepare tailor-made overviews of Russian legislation for you relating to current and future restrictions and measures of state support for business. For more details, please follow the link, or contact Oksana Bodryagina at: o.bodryagina@pgplaw.ru

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