
Consent of personal data subjects to the processing of personal data (order forms)

The User by entering the data belonging to him/her in a special field on the website (the “Website”) and then clicking the “Send” button by setting a “tick” of consent to the processing of personal data as a personal data subject in accordance with the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ “On Personal data” dated 27 July 2006, freely, voluntarily and in his/her interest gives consent to the processing of the following personal data to Pepeliaev Group Limited Liability Company, located at: Building 1, 39 3rd Tverskaya-Yamskaya Street, Moscow, 125047, Russia (Taxpayer Identification Number (INN) 7707301372; Principal State Registration Number (OGRN) 1027739040273) (“Pepeliaev Group”):

  • surname, name and patronymic;
  • mobile phone number;
  • e-mail address;
  • job position;
  • name of the company where the User works (if applicable);
  • the search and watch history on the Website and its services (for visitors of the Website);
  • any other information that the User deems necessary to submit.

The purposes for which Pepeliaev Group processes personal data are:
  • establishing contact with the User,
  • ensuring the User’s communication with Pepeliaev Group,
  • providing the User with reference information,
  • advising the User on the work we perform and services we supply as well as providing support to the User,
  • making the Website more user-friendly,
  • promoting Pepeliaev Group’s work and services by contacting the User directly.

Pepeliaev Group may process personal data by using automated tools or without using such tools by collecting, recording, systematising, accumulating, storing, adjusting (updating or changing), extracting, using, transferring (making available or distributing), blocking, deleting and destroying the personal data.

Pepeliaev Group may transfer personal data to third parties or instruct third parties to process personal data if this is required for the purpose of the processing of such data in accordance with the Policy for Personal Data Processing as well as in the cases for which current Russian legislation on personal data provides.
Pepeliaev Group will process personal data for no longer than is required for the purposes of such processing unless current Russian legislation on personal data provides for other timeframes.

This consent shall be in force from the date when it was signed and shall remain in force until the date when it is revoked in writing by the User. The User is informed that this consent may be revoked by him/her by submitting to Pepeliaev Group a written statement of revocation of his/her consent.

By expressing this consent, the User confirms that the personal data provided by him/her is up to date and accurate.

Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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