
From 18 March 2020 temporary restrictions with respect to foreign nationals have been enacted

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Law Firm Pepeliaev Group advises that temporary restrictions have been introduced from 18 March 2020 with regard to foreign nationals.

In connection with the risk of the further spread of the coronavirus infection in Russia, the Russian Government is establishing temporary restrictions with respect to foreign nationals by its resolution No. 635-r dated 16 March 2020. In particular:

  • from 18 March 2020 until 1 May 2020 entry into Russia will be closed for foreign nationals and stateless persons, including those arriving from the Republic of Belarus and also for nationals of Belarus. Entry into Russia will be permitted only for special categories of foreign nationals (such as employees of diplomatic missions and their family members, drivers of vehicles involved in international traffic, crews of air, sea and river vessels, etc.), for foreign nationals visiting Russia for personal reasons related to the death of a close relative, and for foreigners permanently living in Russia (permanent residence);
  • from 18 March 2020 the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs and its local offices will not accept documents for issuing and granting invitations to foreign nationals for entry into Russia for educational and work purposes. In addition, the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will not issue permits for hiring and using foreign employees and work permits, including for highly qualified specialists under previously filed documents;
  • -rom 18 March 2020 the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs will not accept documents, and will not issue and grant to foreign nationals and stateless persons all categories of visas, except for standard private visas for foreign nationals coming to Russia owing to the death of a close relative.
  • The Russian Government emphasises that the above measures are temporary. They are grounded by special circumstances and are of a solely interim nature.

What to think about and what to do

The above restrictions need to be taken into account when planning trips of foreign nationals (especially those who occupy management positions).

If a foreign national needs to enter Russia, it should be understood that entry into Russia will be possible only when these restrictions are cancelled, which means after 1 May 2020 (if this timeframe is not extended). If there is a need to support business processes you should think how to organise the opportunity for such foreign national to work remotely outside Russia.

Also it is necessary to decide how to mitigate the consequences of the fact that foreign nationals will not be able to start working in Russia on the dates previously planned owing to the impossibility to enter Russia and obtain a work permit

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