
Restrictions have been set in terms of admitting certain categories of medical devices to state and municipal procurement processes

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Pepeliaev Group advises that Resolution No. 102 of the Russian Government “On restricting the admission of certain categories of medical devices originating in foreign countries for the purposes of procurement for state and municipal needs” dated 5 February 2015 (the “Resolution”) was published on 6 February 2015 on the official legal information portal (www.pravo.gov.ru).

The Resolution was drafted by the Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade at the instruction of the Russian Government and in accordance with the Plan of the First Priority Measures to Provide for Sustainable Development of the Economy and Social Stability in 20152.

Please note that Order No. 155 of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development “On the terms and conditions on which products originating in foreign countries are admitted for the purposes of procurement of goods, work and services for state and municipal needs” dated 25 March 2014 is still in force. This Order sets the terms and conditions on which foreign medical devices may be admitted to procurement procedures (regarding the 15% preference).

The Resolution will come into force 7 days after it is officially published, in other words on 14 February 2015.

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