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Overview of tax events for February 2016
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The Russian President has signed a law to ratify the Russian-Chinese intergovernmental agreement to avoid double taxation and prevent profit tax evasion.
Overview of tax events for January 2016
1 min read
The Russian President has signed two acts to establish a unified administrator of public payments. The Russian Federal Tax Service (FTS) will be vested with: (1) the powers of social funds responsible for collecting insurance contributions; and (2) the fiscal obligations of the Russian Federal Customs Service (FCS) and of the Russian Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation. The latter two agencies will be preserved but will be removed from being controlled by the Russian Government to be under the jurisdiction of the Russian Finance Ministry.
The Russian President has signed a law that will improve VAT refunds under the declarative regime. In particular, there has been a reduction from RUB 10 billion to RUB 7 billion in terms of the minimum amount of taxes paid in the three calendar years preceding the year in which the application is filed for the right to use the declarative regime.
Overview of tax events for November 2015
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The Russian State Duma has adopted amendments to the Russian Tax Code that clarify specific aspects for confirming that the zero VAT rate is justified and that approve tax rates for excisable goods. 
Overview of tax events for October 2015
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The members of the State Duma have finalised the draft law "On state cadastral valuation in the Russian Federation". This draft law proposes a completely new method for setting up commissions to consider disputes regarding the outcome of a calculation of the cadastral value. Unlike the draft law submitted by the Government, this draft law provides that not only officials will participate in the commission considering a dispute but also representatives of the business community and of the relevant industry.
Overview of tax events for September 2015
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The Russian Government has determined a list of goods, the producers and importers of which will be obligated to ensure partial recycling or to pay the environmental charge.