
Pepeliaev Group has set up a cross-sectoral Digital Economy Legal Support Group

Pepeliaev Group is announcing its formation of a cross-sectoral Digital Economy Legal Support Group. 

A large-scale digital transformation is unveiling in front of us today: a new generation of technological solutions is being implemented, many of which are interconnected, such as the processing of big data, the use of artificial intelligence, distributed computing and data warehouses. 

New technologies, however, can only be used within a legal framework that exists as a completely new regulatory framework and within traditional regulatory spheres. Our specialists are well versed in technological changes in the digital economy and possess many years of experience in developing business initiatives in a changing regulatory environment.

The team of the cross-sectoral Digital Economy Legal Support Group comprises experts in the legal regulation of IT, IP, personal data use, as well as corporate, commercial, antitrust and tax law. Our experts are actively involved in improving the legal and regulatory framework, taking account of the technological changes that are occurring. 

The services the cross-sectoral group will be providing include legal support in projects related to e-commerce, cybersecurity and IT projects, among others. 

“We always keep our eye on the ball, monitor the trends and try to offer our clients those products and services that can be relevant for them today," comments Sergey Pepeliaev, Managing Partner of Pepeliaev Group. "The digital economy is an area which we have managed to plug into at its very outset on the market. We will have to invest great efforts in developing this institution and improving its legal framework“.  

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