
Pepeliaev Group’s website has been hailed the best among Russian law firms


Pepeliaev Group's team has demonstrated outstanding results at the First National Awards in the area of legal marketing: “Best Law Firm Marketing – 2022”, which captures the most significant and effective legal marketing projects during these times of change. The Awards have been established by the portal Pravo.ru.

The greatest recognition has been given to Pepeliaev Group’s website: it has been ranked top in such categories as the “Best Law Firm Website” and the “Best Law Firm Website Design”. The project has been supervised by the firm's Marketing Director Ekaterina Marmalyuk, and Senior Marketing Manager, Olesya Papelnikova. Our website has changed drastically over the last 6 months: its main page was updated to commemorate our firm’s anniversary. In addition, we created new sections and made technical improvements. The team has been continually investing efforts to ensure that this instrument effectively meets the objectives of both our users and business. The performance is reflected in the figures of digital statistics, in client requests and in advantages from having our business processes automated.

Moreover, our team was ranked second in the category “Law Firm Anti-Crisis Marketing” for its project “Five elements of anti-crisis marketing”. The project was supervised by Ekaterina Marmalyuk. Continuous information support of clients in a rapidly changing environment is essential for preserving relationships with clients, expanding the clientele and promoting loyalty. The project features instruments which we have promptly been implementing in the firm’s marketing strategy since this February with a view to maintaining and enhancing relationships with clients: the section “Sanctions. Support of business”, the playlist “Sanctions: risks and opportunities” on our YouTube channel, the Telegram channel Pepeliaev Group | Official, sanctions-related services in various branches of law, and legal reviews which help business to stay tuned to the rapidly changing legislative agenda.

The project “Pepeliaev Travelling: Around the world in good company” was ranked second in the “Native content” category. The project was implemented by our PR Director, Alexandra Starostina. Within the scope of this project, we presented a book that was published in collaboration with Pepeliaev Group’s partners and clients. In this book, friends of our firm told readers about their favourite places for travel around the globe. Our clients were delighted with the New Year present, which they had literally made themselves. Moreover, we have strengthened relationships with clients and business partners who feel part of the Pepeliaev Group family owing to such projects.

The project: “Which came first: the chicken (read ‘marketing’) or the egg (read ‘ratings’)” was ranked third in the “Ratings guru” category. The project was supervised by Ekaterina Marmalyuk and Senior Manager in the Business Development Department, Elizaveta Rusina. In this age of competition, high speed and open access to information, it is impossible to determine definitively which came first: a lawyer’s position in ratings or his or her marketing image. These two elements are intertwined, with one being increasingly unattainable without the other. The time is coming to an end when a firm’s image was created by the level of expertise of each lawyer in its team, ceding ground to the notion that each lawyer’s accomplishments make a patchwork of the firm’s brand. The higher the level of expertise of each lawyer the more brightly and more prominently he or she performs on the market and the more attractive and reputable the firm becomes in the eyes of the expert community and clients.

The Awards' expert council included partners of law firms, in-house lawyers and major marketing agencies and journalists.

The Pepeliaev Group’s team thanks organisers of the Awards and members of the expert council for their recognition and high appreciation of the projects we presented.

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