
Registration rules for unmanned aerial vehicles with a maximum gross weight from 0.25 kg to 30 kg

Pepeliaev Group advises of the entry into force of Resolution No. 658 of the Russian Government “On approving the Rules for the registration of unmanned aerial vehicles with a maximum gross weight from 0.25 kilograms to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or manufactured in the Russian Federation” dated 25 May 2019 (the “Rules”).

The Rules came into force on 27 September 2019. They have been developed in pursuance of article 33(3.2) of the Russian Aviation Code (the “Aviation Code”) according to which unmanned aerial vehicles with a gross weight from 0.25 kg to 30 kg imported into Russia or manufactured in Russia must be registered according to the procedure established by the Russian Government.
An unmanned aerial vehicle is an aircraft handled and controlled during the flight by a pilot who is positioned outside such aircraft (external pilot) (article 32(5) of the Aviation Code).

The legal term ‘unmanned aerial vehicle’ (UAV) also corresponds to such terms as ‘ uncrewed aerial vehicle’, ‘drone’, ‘multicopter’ (an aerial vehicle built according to a helicopter model with three and more main rotors), quadrocopter (an aerial vehicle with four rotors), etc.

comment.jpgThe main task for the registration of civil aerial vehicles is to identify the owners of the corresponding aerial vehicles if they violate legislation regulating the use of air space in Russia.

UAVs with a gross weight exceeding 30 kg are not subject to registration, but they are subject to state registration (a different procedure), and are not covered by the Rules.
The Rules do not apply to UAVs that are temporarily imported by foreign citizens into Russia for the purposes of participation in aeromodelling sport events.

In order to register a UAV its owner must file an application for registration with the Federal Air Transport Agency (known by the Russian abbreviation Rosaviatsia). Such application must contain information about the UAV and its photo. The UAV’s type, serial number (if any), number of engines and their type, as well as information about the manufacturer and the owner must be also specified in the application.

In order to register several UAVs of the same type (name) belonging to the same owner, a single application may be filed specifying all serial numbers in it.

The application can be submitted to Rosaviatsia by post or electronically using the state portal ‘Gosuslugi’ or through the portal for registering UAVs.

Deadlines for filing an application:

1. if a UAV is purchased in Russia, the deadline is 10 business days from the purchase date;
2. if a UAV is imported into Russia, the deadline is 10 business days from the date of import;
3. if a UAV is handmade, it must be registered before it starts to be used for flights in Russian air space and outside it where Russia is responsible for air traffic management;
4. with respect to a UAV which was imported into Russia or manufactured in Russia before 27 September 2019, the deadline is 30 days from this date.

The application is considered within a timeframe not exceeding 10 business days; based on the results of the consideration of the application Rosaviatsia enters information about the UAV into its database. Simultaneously a registration entry is formed and a registration number assigned to the UAV; this number must be applied on elements of the UAV’s structure before flying.

What to think about and what to do

We recommend that owners of UAVs with a maximum gross weight from 0.25 to 30 kg inclusive provide Rosaviatsia with an application for the UAV's registration within the above deadlines, obtain the UAV’s registration number and apply it on the elements of the UAV’s structure.

Article 11.5 of the Russian Code of Administrative Offences provides for liability for violating the safety rules for aircraft operation. The operation of an aircraft which is not registered with the governmental authorities is subject to an administrative fine in an amount from RUB 2,000 to RUB 5,000 or the deprivation of the right to operate an aircraft for a term of up to 1 year.

Allowing such aircraft to operate entails an administrative fine for individuals in an amount from RUB 3,000 to RUB 5,000 and for a company’s officers from RUB 10,000 to RUB 15,000.

In addition the provisions of the Aviation Code and the Federal rules for the use of Russian air space (approved by Resolution No. 138 of the Russian Government dated 11 March 2010) must be observed. Violation of the above provisions and rules entails administrative and criminal liability.

Help from your adviser 

Pepeliaev Group’s cross-sectoral Digital Economy Support Group comprises experts in the legal regulation of IT, IP and personal data use. The Group will be happy to provide the full range of legal services concerning any aspects of how information technologies might be applied.

Our experts are members of working groups involving business representatives and sectoral agencies which develop proposals for how the regulatory and legal framework can be improved taking account of the technological changes that are occurring.

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