Pepeliaev Group advises that on 24 December 2019 the draft Federal Law “On amending the Federal Law 'On production and consumption waste'” (“Draft Law No. 869136-7) with respect to requirements concerning the disposal of goods and packaging[1] and the payment of the environmental fee, was submitted to the Russian State Duma.
Draft Law No. 869136-7 provides for the following new developments.
The current version of article 24.2(1) |
The proposed version of article 24.2(1) |
If a new version is adopted, this will give rise to different interpretations of the importers’ obligations: whether it is packaging imported as a finished product, or the packaging of imported goods that they should dispose of. We believe that the current version fully regulates such relationships because packaging which is a finished product is to be disposed of as a product. The proposed version of article 24.2(1.2) allows for divergent interpretations of the provision, which will inevitably cause disputes (if the draft is adopted). |
The new versions of article 24.2 (1.2) and article 24.2 (10) are inconsistent with one another and, therefore, need to be refined for the discrepancies to be eliminated. Moreover, the new version of article 24.2(10) proposes a regulation that provides for privileged treatment of producers of goods in Russia that have been released from the obligation to dispose of the packaging of their goods, as compared with importers of goods, i.e. non-competitive business conditions.
It is proposed that the disposal standard for the packaging should be 100% [3]. Substantiated doubt arises as to whether, as of today, packaging sold with goods can be collected in its entirety (according to public sources, the level of processing of plastic packaging, for instance, is 8%). Meanwhile, non-compliance with the disposal standard entails the obligation to pay the environmental fee. According to the Explanatory Note to Draft Law No. 869136-7, the proposed increase in the disposal standard up to 100% and therefore, the increase in the environmental fee, will encourage the formation of infrastructure for the separate collection of the packaging waste and the adjusting of the processing and disposal system and will allow the performance figures to be achieved that are set out in the National Project “Ecology” without using money from the state budget. Therefore, it is proposed that finding solutions for the issues the state is facing should be shifted to business which, in turn, will have to share the burden of expenses for the disposal of consumer waste with consumers.
The current regulation imposes the obligation to dispose of packaging produced in Russia on the producers of the goods using such packaging, i.e. the producers of the goods are subject to a dual responsibility: both for disposing of the produced goods and for disposing of the packaging of such goods which was produced by a different person. Such regulation gives an advantage to producers of the packaging, who are not liable for disposing of their goods. According to the Explanatory Note to Draft Law No. 869136-7, the proposed change will enhance the collection of packaging waste and the subsequent disposal of such waste and will ensure better control over the performance of the obligations to dispose of the waste because the number of producers of goods in packaging (including companies engaged in the pre-packaging of goods) are in the tens of thousands whereas there are only 4,147 producers of packaging. However, business associations believe that shifting the responsibility to the producers of packaging will result in an increase in the price for goods inside the packaging, since the environmental fee will be charged for the entire packaging produced (including the packaging in the form of production waste, unsold packaging, returned packaging, etc.), whereas at present the responsibility is imposed only for the packaging sold together with the goods. |
State authorities have regularly tried to improve the institution of the extended liability of producers (the ‘ELP’), including by increasing the disposal standards and the environmental fee rates, since the ELP was introduced in 2015. Thus, at the end of 2018 draft Resolutions of the Russian Government provided for increasing the environmental fee rates with respect to all groups of goods ‘with a view to increasing their stimulating role’. However, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development rejected[4] this project owing to it being economically unjustified and to the lack of legal grounds for the set environmental fee rates to be reconsidered.
In the autumn of 2019 in accordance with the instruction of the Russian Ministry of Natural Resources and the Environment the Concept for Improving the ELP Institution was developed. The concept provided for, in particular, shifting the obligations to dispose of packaging to the producers of the packaging.
The new version of the Concept for Improving the ELP Institution provides for introducing a 100% disposal standard for all types of packaging, oils and batteries and for a gradual increase in the disposal standard for other goods subject to the ELP.
Therefore, it is obvious that the adoption of amendments increasing the responsibility of producers for the disposal of their goods cannot be avoided.
We propose reading the provisions of Draft Law No. 869136-7 with a view to preparing for the possible new developments.
In 2020 draft Law No. 869136-7 is to undergo three hearings in the Russian State Duma. Thus, in 2020 enterprises have an opportunity to reconsider and redesign the system of collecting and disposing of waste in view of the expected changes.
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers are ready to analyse risks arising in connection with Draft Law No. 869136-7 as a whole, and with regard to specific companies, to draw up proposals for improvement and send them to the relevant business associations and state authorities.
[1] Federal Law No. 225-FZ “On amending the Federal Law 'On production and consumption waste'” dated 26 July 2019 and the Federal Law “On the State Atomic Energy Corporation “Rosatom” (“Law No. 225-FZ”).
[2] Article 14.2 of Law No. 89-FZ as amended by Law No. 225-FZ.
[3] Government Resolution No. 1203-r dated 16 June 2018 sets for 2020 a disposal standard for the packaging of 20%-45% of the quantity sold.
[4] Annex No. 1 to Order No. 290 of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development dated 27 May 2013.
[5] Thus for example, the disposal standards for packaging from corrugated media could be met at the expense of disposing of waste from outer garments; the disposal standards for polymer packaging at the expense of disposing of the waste from using paper bags; the disposal standards for wood packaging at the expense of disposing of waste from work clothes, etc.