
The Federal Tax Service of Russia has launched a service for paying subsidies on preventing Covid-19

 Starting 15 July, organisations and entrepreneurs from “affected” industries and also socially-oriented not-for-profit organisations will be able to receive a subsidy of RUB 15.000 and on top of that RUB 6.5 for each employee for reimbursing expenses on the prevention of coronavirus.

An application for the subsidy may be filed with the tax authority at the place of the applicant's registration by post or via telecommunications channels, including via the taxpayer’s personal account.

In addition, the Russian Federal Tax Service has launched a special service that will give a pointer as to whether a business is eligible for the subsidy. The status of the submitted application may be tracked through the website.

A person or company may hope to receive a subsidy if such person or company complies with all of the following conditions simultaneously:

  • the applicant has been included in the register of SMEs as at 10 June /of socially-oriented or affected not-for-profit organisations as at 1 July
  • it operates in an industry required to take action to prevent the spread of the virus (hairstyling salons, grocery stores, hotels and health centres, sporting facilities etc.)
  • it is not undergoing liquidation or bankruptcy proceedings, has not been excluded from the register of legal entities / has not terminated its activity or been de-registered as an individual entrepreneur
  • the applicant does not have arrears in taxes and social security contributions for an amount greater than RUB 3,000 as at 1 June
  • it has submitted the reports according to the form SZV-M for May 2020


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