
Working groups within tax inspectorates are starting to monitor the economy

Our clients have started to receive requests from working groups that are being set up now within tax inspectorates “in order to gather and monitor, on a weekly basis, information regarding the risks of economic and social challenges arising in connection with the spread of the coronavirus and questions that emerge during control measures”. The tax authorities are proposing that such information regarding the challenges and risks in connection with companies being affected by restrictions introduced owing to the spread of the coronavirus should be submitted every week. They are further requesting information regarding the number of employees who have been transferred to remote working, forced out on vacation or transferred to part-time work, etc.

These groups will likely perform the functions of situational centres about which we have written previously.

Obviously, the legislation does not provide for any liability for the failure to submit such information. Yet, we believe (and many most certainly share our opinion) that it would be irresponsible to ignore such requests not only from the legal but also from the social standpoint.

At the same time, please note the following:
  • your responses regarding the economic situation may influence in future decisions to grant tax deferrals or payment of tax by instalments, as well as the availability of any other potential relief that the government may introduce. Therefore, undue optimism could be harmful;
  • responses regarding the utilisation levels of your employees should be coordinated with your HR department and brought into line with the requirements of employment legislation;
  • given that your employees most likely are working remotely, it may turn out that you will be unable to respond to the tax inspectorate's requests by the dates it wishes, and therefore, you need to warn the tax inspectorate of this in advance by sending a letter of response to it.
We are providing our clients with all necessary legal support and assistance in drafting responses to such requests, considering the situation the client is in and the potential consequences.

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