
Support for the economy: the Government has again adjusted the measures

In its Resolution No. 792 dated 30 May, the Government has again adjusted the measures to ensure sustainable economic development as provided for by Resolution No. 409 of the Russian Government dated 2 April 2020 “On measures to ensure stable economic development” (“Resolution No. 409”).

Please find below the principal provisions of this document.

1. The timeframes which, according to Resolution No. 409 of the Government, are to expire on 31 May, have been shifted to end on 30 June 2020.


Scope of use

Suspension of actions connected with carrying out control measures

until 30 June 2020 inclusive

  • the issuing of a decision to conduct field (repeated) tax audits and audits with respect to compliance with the transfer pricing policy, and the conduct of these audits
  • the initiation of audits with respect to compliance with currency legislation, and the conduct of already initiated audits
  • the issuing of decisions to suspend operations on accounts under articles 76(3) and 76(3.2) of the Russian Tax Code (the “Tax Code”)
  • the duration of timeframes for performing actions established by articles 100 and 101 of the Tax Code with respect to already scheduled audits,
  • the duration of timeframes provided for by article 101.4 of the Tax Code
  • the imposition of liability on a taxpayer (payer of insurance contributions and insurer against industrial accidents) for failure to submit documents (information), and/or explanations in relation to the requests of the tax authorities and the Russian Social Security Fund, the deadline for performance of which is within the period from 1 March until 30 June 2020

Extending the timeframes

by 20 business days

Preparation of responses to demands of the tax authorities and the Russian Social Security Fund received within the timeframe from 1 March until 30 June 2020

by 10 business days

Provision of documents (information) within the framework of desk tax audits of VAT tax returns when such demands are received from 1 March until 30 June 2020 inclusive

In addition, the Resolution which is being commented on has extended, until 1 December 2020, the timeframes for reports to be submitted by individuals concerning cash flows on accounts (deposits) in foreign banks (financial market institutions) for the year 2019.

2. Obtaining a deferral (an instalment plan) for paying taxes and insurance contributions has become available to taxpayers who receive income mainly from activities in the sphere of tourism and hospitality

To obtain a deferral (an instalment plan) under the simplified procedure, such taxpayers should at the same time meet the following conditions:

  • the relevant entity (individual entrepreneur) should be included in the list of qualifying hotels, ski trails, and beaches maintained by virtue of article 5(14) of Federal Law “On the fundamentals of tourist activity in the Russian Federation”;
  • the code under the All-Russian Classification of Types of Economic Activities (abbreviated in Russian as OKVED), which is specified in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities or Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (abbreviated in Russian as EGRUL and EGRIP respectively) as at 1 March 2020, should correspond to the codes specified in Appendix 2 to the newly approved Resolution which is being commented on. The list of such codes is quite extensive and, apparently, has been set up taking into account the actual OKVED codes assigned to taxpayers included in the above list of qualifying hotels, ski trails, and beaches;
  • the income of the relevant entity (individual entrepreneur) for 2019 should not exceed the figures set by the Resolution which is being commented on, in relation to the reference scale of the aggregate key count.

As follows from the resolution being commented on, the Russian Ministry of Economic Development should have sent the list of entities and individual entrepreneurs included in the unified list of qualifying hotels, ski trails, and beaches, stating the Taxpayer’s Identification Number and the threshold value of income, to the Russian Federal Tax Service within one business day after the Resolution which is being commented on entered into force (i.e. no later than 2 June 2020).

3. The OKVED code has been adjusted for the purposes of granting a deferral (an instalment plan)

For the purposes of applying sub-clause “a” of clause 2 of the Rules for granting a deferral (an instalment plan) for paying taxes, advance tax amounts and insurance contributions, the subheading “Supporting activity related to air transport 52.23.1” of the list of types of economic activities has been replaced by the following subheading: “Supporting activity related to air and space transport 52.23”.

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