Situation centres are set up at tax authorities to monitor the economy in connection with coronavirus
The Federal Tax Service has issued Order No. ED-7-1/168@ “On setting up federal and regional situation centres of the Russian Federal Tax Service to monitor the economic situation in real time” dated 17 March 2020.
A Federal Situation Centre (FSC) will be set up at the premises of the Central Administrative Office of the Federal Tax Service, while regional situation centres (RSCs) will be established at the premises of the Federal Tax Service’s Administration Office overseeing constituent entities and inter-regional tax authorities for major taxpayers. RSCs must be established rather quickly: not later than one business day after they receive the relevant Order, regional offices and inter-regional tax authorities must inform the FSC that the RSC has been set up and who its members are.
RSCs will gather and monitor information on a daily basis, including based on communications from taxpayers, regarding the risks of economic and social challenges in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. Such information will be then submitted to the FSC.
RSCs must arrange for continual information exchange with regional authorities and the business community regarding the economic and social situation. For this purpose, communication channels should be established to exchange information in real time, specifying the persons in charge, their email addresses, websites, telephone numbers and messengers.
One week after a RSC has been established it should reach out to taxpayers regarding the purposes of such situation centre and the formats for interacting with it.
If the coronavirus pandemic could adversely affect your business or has already done so (declining revenues owing to a slump in demand which may adversely affect the level of salaries, or may cause dismissals, losses and an inability to pay taxes on time and similar) and if the pandemic is impeding the performance of current and anticipated obligations to pay taxes or insurance contributions and/or to meet other obligations of a taxpayer, we recommend that you consider applying to your local regional centre and describing the challenges you are facing.
The Federal Tax Service claims that no questions of taxpayers will be left unanswered. Moreover, the accumulation of large numbers of similar requests may serve as a basis for decisions in favour of tax support measures being granted to certain categories of taxpayers or with respect to the discharge of certain tax obligations.
At present , we are aware of two RSCs established at the premises of an inter-district tax inspectorate for major taxpayers.
• No. 1: head - Svetlana Sergeevna Khromova, hotline: +7 495 913 0878, e-mail:
• No. 2: hotline: +7 495 400 69 81, +7 495 400 69 80, e-mail:
A Federal Situation Centre (FSC) will be set up at the premises of the Central Administrative Office of the Federal Tax Service, while regional situation centres (RSCs) will be established at the premises of the Federal Tax Service’s Administration Office overseeing constituent entities and inter-regional tax authorities for major taxpayers. RSCs must be established rather quickly: not later than one business day after they receive the relevant Order, regional offices and inter-regional tax authorities must inform the FSC that the RSC has been set up and who its members are.
RSCs will gather and monitor information on a daily basis, including based on communications from taxpayers, regarding the risks of economic and social challenges in connection with the spread of the coronavirus. Such information will be then submitted to the FSC.
RSCs must arrange for continual information exchange with regional authorities and the business community regarding the economic and social situation. For this purpose, communication channels should be established to exchange information in real time, specifying the persons in charge, their email addresses, websites, telephone numbers and messengers.
One week after a RSC has been established it should reach out to taxpayers regarding the purposes of such situation centre and the formats for interacting with it.
If the coronavirus pandemic could adversely affect your business or has already done so (declining revenues owing to a slump in demand which may adversely affect the level of salaries, or may cause dismissals, losses and an inability to pay taxes on time and similar) and if the pandemic is impeding the performance of current and anticipated obligations to pay taxes or insurance contributions and/or to meet other obligations of a taxpayer, we recommend that you consider applying to your local regional centre and describing the challenges you are facing.
The Federal Tax Service claims that no questions of taxpayers will be left unanswered. Moreover, the accumulation of large numbers of similar requests may serve as a basis for decisions in favour of tax support measures being granted to certain categories of taxpayers or with respect to the discharge of certain tax obligations.
At present , we are aware of two RSCs established at the premises of an inter-district tax inspectorate for major taxpayers.
• No. 1: head - Svetlana Sergeevna Khromova, hotline: +7 495 913 0878, e-mail:
• No. 2: hotline: +7 495 400 69 81, +7 495 400 69 80, e-mail: