
Russia: The Epidemic is Slowing Down – Updated Decrees, Orders and Guidelines

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Decrees, orders or guidelines regulating protective measures in Russia differ fr om region to region.

The general trends are:
  • most companies have re-opened, but should observe the standard requirements (temperature control, facemasks, gloves, social distancing, etc.);
  • in several regions companies are required to ensure teleworking for a certain percentage of employees (25-30%), while in other regions (including St. Petersburg) teleworking is required only for employees aged over 65 or employees with specific health conditions. In most regions (including Moscow) teleworking is only a recommendation;
  • public places are often required to lim it the number of visitors (e.g. 25% of visitors at theaters and museums, 1 shopper per 4 sq.m. in a grocery store);
  • in most regions, nationals aged over 65 or with specific states of health are either required or encouraged to self-isolate. The new trend is to make an exception for those who have been vaccinated (e.g. Tula, Ivanovo, and Sakhalin Regions);
  • in several regions, companies are required to “facilitate” vaccination or “consider the possibilities of it” (Bashkortostan, Sakhalin, etc.), while in one region (Tyva Republic) companies are required to organize the vaccination of their personnel.

The source: L&E GLOBAL

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