
Pepeliaev Group's experts have recorded an original course in tax law for the Legal Academy


Pepeliaev Group's experts have developed an original course in tax law and recorded video lectures for the online education platform Legal Academy.

The course has been developed as an introduction to taxation and will help students receive basic knowledge in the field of tax law. The experts explain how the main taxes (personal income tax, profit tax and VAT) are collected, how they differ and who is entitled to use preferential tax regimes. The speakers also give more detailed explanations of different procedures: how taxes are calculated and paid, how audits and monitoring are carried out, and how tax arrears are recovered and overpayments are returned. At the end of each topic, the recipients get access to test assignments and reading lists.

The experts of the course are tax experts from Pepeliaev Group: Partners Anton Nikiforov and Leonid Kravchinsky, as well as Senior Associates Petr Popov and Vladimir Voinov. All of them have many years of experience in handling tax disputes and advising major Russian taxpayers. The introduction to the course was recorded by Sergey Pepeliaev, Managing Partner of Pepeliaev Group.

The course is expected to take 20 academic hours and is recommended for general practice lawyers who want to receive a basic knowledge of taxes, for specialists in economics and finances, as well as for students.

You can learn more details about the course and obtain access to it at the Legal Academy’s portal.

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