
PGP Tax Consultancy has celebrated its first anniversary in Dubai


On 16 May, we held an evening function in Dubai to commemorate the first anniversary of the official launch of PGP Tax Consultancy (Pepeliaev Group’s Middle East Desk).

Senior Partner Andrey Nikonov and Partner and Head of the Desk Maria Nikonova shared with their guests highlights of the Middle East Desk’s life, talking about the highest-profile projects of the past year. They also unveiled their plans for the development of PGP Tax Consultancy.

In addition, the team presented a cartoon about the Dubai Desk which was generated by AI.

Representatives of Russian and international businesses attended the event. Pepeliaev Group’s Managing Partner, Sergey Pepeliaev, gave the opening speech, stressing that the UAE, which has been so hospitable in welcoming our team, is a promising market for the firm.

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