Home • News • Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office has arranged a seminar for Korean business
Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office has arranged a seminar for Korean business
Pepeliaev Group’s Far East Office, together with the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea and non-commercial association KOTRA, have staged a seminar for Korean companies. The event was held in Vladivostok on 13 December.
Partner and Head of Far East Office Natalia Prisekina, Senior Associate Victoria Krupina and Junior Associate Evgeniia Demianchuk gave their presentations during the seminar.
Traditionally, representatives of Korean businesses who actively work with Russian companies were mostly interested in the key developments in Russian legislation, particularly as regards the increase of court and arbitration costs, taxation and anti-sanctions regulation as well as various issues relating to corporate law.
Following the event, the Consulate General of the Republic of Korea thanked our Far East Office for arranging the seminar: “Dear Ms Prisekina,
We would like to thank you for the proposal to arrange this seminar.
The Consul and the businessmen appreciated the event very much, “We had a lively and useful time.”
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