
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers have prevented secondary liability worth RUB 4.45 billion from being imposed on a client

Within the framework of a bankruptcy case involving a major company in the Far East, a claim was filed with the Russian Federal Tax Service for secondary liability to be imposed on the managers and founders of the debtor company as well as on the persons whom the tax authority treated as the beneficiaries and beneficial owners of the bankrupt taxpayer.

The lawyers of Pepeliaev Group’s Bankruptcy and Anti-Crisis Protection of Business Practice have successfully protected the client in courts of all instances, managing to prove that the client was not a beneficiary or an entity controlling the debtor, while the client did not obtain any funds unlawfully withdrawn from the debtor. As a result, the client’s assets worth RUB 4.45 have been preserved and its business reputation has been protected.

“The project was complex specifically because our task was to overcome the negative conclusions contained in the two court decisions that have come into force that tax liability be imposed on the debtor," commented Yulia Litovtseva, the Head of our Bankruptcy and Anti-Сrisis Protection of Business Practice. "And we have successfully fulfilled this task.”

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