
Automotive industry and transportation


Registration rules for unmanned aerial vehicles with a maximum gross weight from 0.25 kg to 30 kg Pepeliaev Group advises of the entry into force of Resolution No. 658 of the Russian Government “On approving the Rules for the registration of unmanned aerial vehicles with a maximum gross weight from 0.25 kilograms to 30 kilograms imported into the Russian Federation or manufactured in the Russian Federation” dated 25 May 2019.
Explanations of the Russian Supreme Court regarding transportation by motor vehicles and freight forwarding activities

Pepeliaev Group advises that the Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court (the “Supreme Court”) has provided explanations on a number of matters which arise in the practice of the application of legislation concerning contracts for transportation by motor vehicles of cargo, passengers, and luggage, and freight forwarding contracts.
Joining the 2017-2019 federal sector-based agreement for rail transport companies At the federal level, a sector-based agreement has been adopted which sets additional obligations and automatically extends to rail transport companies. To refuse to join the agreement, a wellgrounded refusal should be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Labour by 15 June 2017.
Joining the agreement to extend for 2017-2019 and amend the federal sector-related agreement for road industry concluded for 2014-2016 Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises that an agreement has been adopted at the federal level to extend the sector-related agreement. The sector-related agreement sets additional obligations and automatically extends to companies in the road industry sector. To refuse to join the extension agreement, a well-grounded refusal should be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Labour by 20 April 2017. 
Joining the agreement regarding the extension of the sector-based agreement for 2014-2016 for the russian aviation industry to 2017-2019 Law firm Pepeliaev Group advises that an agreement has been adopted at the federal level to extend the sector-based agreement. The latter sets additional obligations and automatically extends to companies in Russia's aviation industry. To refuse to join the extension agreement, a well-grounded refusal should be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Labour by 14 April 2017.
Joining the federal sector-based agreement for the extension for 2014-2016 of the sector-based agreement for motor and ground-based urban passenger transport for 2017-2019 At the federal level, an agreement has been adopted to extend the sector-based agreement. The extension agreement sets additional obligations and automatically applies to companies in motor and ground-based urban passenger transport. To refuse to join the extension agreement, a well-grounded refusal in writing should be submitted to the Russian Ministry of Labour by 17 March 2017.
Joining the federal aviation industry agreement for 2014 -2016 On 6 June 2014, Rossiyskaya Gazeta published a Letter of the Russian Ministry of Labour and Social Protection (the 'Ministry') in relation to joining the Russian Aviation Industry Agreement for 2014-2016 (the 'Agreement').
The Russian Supreme Arbitration Court will make the approach to VAT exemption with regard to airport services more uniform Pepeliaev Group advises that on 7 June 2011 the Presidium of the Russian Supreme Arbitration Court will consider the value added tax exemption with regard to aircraft servicing provided in airports and Russia’s air space (Ruling No. VAS-17072/10 dated 9 March 2011).
Tax legislative initiatives in the aviation sector Pepeliaev Group advises on the most significant draft laws on taxation in the aviation industry.
New Resolution of the RF Supreme Arbitration Court on the VAT Rate Applicable to the Export of Technical Documentation Pepeliaev Group advises that Resolution No.17933/09 of the Presidium of the RF Supreme Arbitration Court dated 11 May 2010 has been posted on the court’s official website. The Resolution determines the practice of levying VAT on the export of maintenance and technical documentation in respect of aircraft engines and units and the application of corresponding deductions.