Antimonopoly regulation

Antimonopoly regulation

Our lawyers assume a prominent role in expert organisations that are working together with the regulator, the Russian FederalLegal-500-leading-firm-2020.jpg Antimonopoly Service (FAS of Russia), to improve Russian antimonopoly legislation. 

Breaching antimonopoly legislation may have adverse effects and be detrimental to business. Pepeliaev Group has broad experience in advising on antimonopoly regulation.

We are ready to provide comprehensive legal support in all aspects of antimonopoly regulation, including: abuse of a dominant position, entering into anticompetitive agreements/concerted actions, unfair competition; advising participants in, and organisers of, tenders on orders placed by government and municipal authorities; legal support regarding regulatory aspects of economic concentration, etc.

Our services:

  • Representing clients before the FAS, the Eurasian Economic Commission and in courts, including cases on cartels and abuse of a dominant position
  • Performing antimonopoly audits and developing antimonopoly compliance systems
  • Providing support during antimonopoly audits
  • Providing advice on antitrust legislation and other issues that fall within the jurisdiction of the FAS
  • Obtaining approval for transactions and other actions with the FAS and with the Governmental Commission for Overseeing the Making of Foreign Investments in Russia
  • Having transactions with legal entities and individuals from ‘hostile’ jurisdictions approved by the subcommission of the Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment
  • Holding training sessions on antitrust law compliance and other issues that fall within the FAS’s competence


Analysed risks of an antimonopoly case being instigated and minimised them
Our lawyers have provided advice to the client who wanted to have the results assessed of the consideration of the application which had been filed against it over an alleged breach of antimonopoly legislation in the form of an abuse of dominance and the prospects of the antimonopoly case.
Provided antitrust support in a transaction to transfer assets of an automobile manufacturer
The team of our practice has advised the client in the framework of a transaction to transfer assets of a Russian subsidiary of a manufacturer of trucks and buses to an official dealer.
Other projects