Anti-crisis support to business
New amendments to Federal Law No. 127-FZ “On measures impacting (counteracting) hostile actions of the United States of America and other foreign states” dated 4 June 2018 have come into force.
Pepeliaev Group advises of the implications of the Russian President’s Decree, suspending most of the articles of double tax treaties with ‘hostile’ states.
On 21 July 2023 Federal Law No. 308-FZ dated 10 July 2023 will come into effect. It provides for the possibility of identification, for the benefit of Russian financial institutions, to be conducted by foreign financial institutions in relation to foreign persons to whom they provide services.
Order No. 86n of the Russian Ministry of Finance dated 5 June 2023 has been published. It significantly expands the List of states and territories providing a preferential tax regime and/or not providing for disclosure and the provision of information during financial transactions (offshore zones).
On 10 May 2023, the Russian President signed Decree No. 333 calling up Russian nationals in reserve for military training in 2023.
25 April 2023 the Russian President signed the Decree “On the temporary management of certain property”.
14 April 2023 saw the enactment of what is referred to as the law on electronic call-up notices, which amended certain federal laws and primarily the law on military duty and military service.
The Government Commission on Monitoring Foreign Investment in Russia has supplemented the list of conditions for carrying out transactions with a view to disposing of securities including shares of and membership interests in the issued capital of Russian business entities in which “hostile” non-residents participate.