Anti-crisis support to business
Pepeliaev Group's Anti-Crisis Team provides legal assistance to businesses in difficult and unstable times of economic turmoil, sanctions pressure and pandemic restrictions, helping to find constructive solutions in force-majeure conditions and solve complex legal issues. Our company employs lawyers of various specialisations, so we are ready to quickly assemble an expert team specifically for your request.
- 1. Military registration duties of employers
Audit and performing military registration
Updating information about employees
Submitting reports to military enlistment offices
Organising military registration if it is absent or improperly managed
Issues of performing information duties
Is there a legally established obligation?
Are the orders of the military commissars of the regions mandatory?
What is considered proper performance of duty (search for an employee / remote work)
"Booking" jobs
The procedure for booking
Is it possible to book the most valuable employees of the Company
Responsibility of companies and management
Liability (administrative liability) for violations in the field of military registration and mobilisation
Liability for failure to notify the employee about a call-up notice, for failure to hand over the notice to the employee
Liable person
Criminal (aiding and abetting...): Article 328 of the Russian Criminal Code – risks of amendments and applicability now; risks when transferring to remote work; the procedure for initiating cases and their jurisdiction
- 2. Mobilisation duties of companies
Issues of mobilisation of vehicles and other property
Obligation to provide vehicles
Without a driver
With a driver (a provision on performing military transportation duty)
Removal fr om storage of property included in the mobilisation reserve (see 1.6.4 and 1.6.5)
Release of material assets fr om the state reserve - sale, transfer on a reimbursable or free-of-charge basis or in the form of borrowing material assets from the state reserve (refers to the expenditure obligations of the state, not the company)
Borrowing and disbanding of material assets of the state reserve
Issues of performing mobilisation tasks
Issues of performing the state defence order
Liability issues
Liability for non-fulfilment of duties: a person subject to liability / administrative / criminal
Property liability for operations with material assets of the state reserve in connection with mobilisation (article 16 of the Federal Law "On the State Mobilisation Reserve")
Tax administration
Issues associated with the performance of tax duties by mobilised persons
Registration of representation in tax legal relations in a case of the mobilisation of the chief executive officer, the chief accountant
Electronic powers of attorney in tax relations
Default interest on overdue taxes
Release from tax liability
The possibility of obtaining a delay / deferral of payment for taxes and levies
- 3. Specifics of employment relationships and performance of job duties
Documenting relationships with mobilised employees
Obligation to dismiss/keep jobs
From what point is an employee considered mobilised?
If the employee is absent, working on a remote basis?
Documenting the relationships with persons temporarily replacing mobilised employees
Specifics of business trips, shifts, remote work, vacations, etc.
Specifics of the use of electronic document flow
- 4. Specifics of the performance of contractual obligations
Obligations of a legal entity as the owner of equipment and special technical means in the conditions of mobilisation
Mobilisation and force-majeure circumstances: is mobilisation a force-majeure circumstance that confers an exemption from sanctions for a failure to fulfil contractual obligations?
Priority measures in cases when a company cannot fulfil its obligations under a contract in connection with mobilisation activities:
Mobilisation of all or key employees of appropriate qualifications, a restriction on movement for such employees who are registered for military service
Requisitioning of buildings, structures, communications, land plots, transport and other material assets in accordance with mobilisation plans
The failure of a company's main counterparty to fulfil obligations, such failure being caused by the circumstances mentioned in clauses a - b.
The effect of contracts to which a directly mobilised person is a party, in particular security transactions (surety agreements, pledge agreements)
A counterparty that is an individual entrepreneur (individual) has been mobilised. Main measures/actions and consequences
Logistical tasks of the company in the light of the limitations caused by mobilisation: the need to deliver raw materials, goods, components between different regions in which the company's production facilities, warehouses and contractors may be located
Post-mobilisation period: risks of the authorised representative of the mobilised person in connection with the transactions/actions performed by the representative on behalf of the principal
- 5. Issues in the field of corporate law and corporate governance
How to ensure the work of a legal entity if the CEO and other key employees of the Company (owners) are mobilised?
The CEO, owner, member/shareholder have been mobilised: what to do in advance and emergency response measures
Signatories or authorised managers have been mobilised. It is necessary to ensure that all standard procedures are completed on time:
Making changes to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (changing the single-member executive body and other necessary actions)
Bank account management, payment settlement, fulfilment of obligations, maintenance of payment discipline
Signing of contracts and other documents and transactions, including those related to the acquisition of assets, membership interests / shares
Providing personal explanations to the tax and other authorities
Participation in ongoing judicial and administrative proceedings
Acquisition/sale/delivery of commodities and materials
- 6. Issues in the field of digital law
Possible difficulties of the state accreditation of IT companies if the relevant specialists are called up within the framework of mobilisation
Forms of delivery of the call-up notice (features of receiving legally significant messages on the Internet (“Gosuslugi” service, etc.)
Clarifications regarding the grounds for postponement for IT workers
How to ensure the release and use of electronic signatures (ES) i if key employees of the Company are mobilised or depart from Russia?
How to ensure the issuing and use of powers of attorney,including machine-readable powers of attorney if key employees of the Company are mobilised or depart from Russia?
Legal aspects of the relocation of key employees and IT specialists (IT departments) to other jurisdictions
Features of absentee/remote voting at general meetings of participants/shareholders
How to ensure compliance with licensing requirements and the implementation of licensed activities in a situation when key employees of the Company are mobilised or depart from Russia?
Increasing risks of personal data leaks in the current conditions
Current challenges of cross-border transfer and localisation of personal data in the current conditions
The increasing risks of violating the confidentiality of information (state, banking, commercial secrets) in the conditions when the Company’s key employees are mobilised or depart from Russia
Updating measures to protect the Company's commercially valuable information in the conditions of mobilisation or the departure of key employees outside Russia
The possibility of classifying the Company among the subjects of critical information infrastructure (CII)
- 7. Specifics of the performance of public obligations
Performing a current tax obligation
Tax administration
Registration of representation in tax legal relations in a case of the mobilisation of the chief executive officer, the chief accountant
Taxation of operations for the transfer of equipment supplied by companies in accordance with mobilisation plans:
Is such a delivery a sales operation and is it subject to VAT? If not, what about VAT deductions and depreciation? If so, at what price and how to calculate income tax?
If such a delivery is not recognised as a sale, then who should have such property on the balance sheet? And who will be the payer of the transport tax?
And how should the return of such equipment be documented?
Taxation of operations for the provision of buildings, structures, communications, land, transport and other material assets in accordance with mobilisation plans with the state compensating losses incurred by them
The same questions plus property tax
Performing military transport duties
The same questions plus transport tax
Taxation of transactions under agreements (contracts) for the implementation of mobilisation tasks (orders) in order to ensure the defence of the country and the security of the state
Taxation of mobilisation preparation works that are not subject to compensation from state budgets, including the cost of maintaining capacities and facilities that are partially loaded (used) in production
Taxation of operations within the framework of the implementation of a state defence order (SDO)
State regulation of prices under an SDO and taxation of transactions and financial results under an SDO
Taxation of operations relating to an SDO in the case of non-payment (the impossibility of payment) by the state customer
Accounting for the costs of maintaining capacities that ensure the implementation of the SDO, in case of termination of supplies under the SDO
Taxation of personal income tax and insurance contributions of statutory payments / additional payments in favour of mobilised employees and/or their family members
Issues of accounting for profit tax on additional payments that companies can introduce for mobilised employees and/or their family members
Taxation by insurance premiums of monetary payments to citizens staying in the mobilisation human reserve
Tax consequences of providing assistance to "new" territories and the Armed Forces
Tax force majeure
Default interest on overdue taxes
Release from tax liability?
The possibility of obtaining a delay / deferral of payment for taxes and fees?
- 8. Industry requirements and features
Relations of credit institutions with mobilised borrowers
Confirmation of credit holidays (if a regulation on credit holidays is adopted)
Pharmaceutical and medical sector
- 1. Assistance in establishing the legal status of a person and determining the scope of responsibilities in connection with mobilisation
Determination of the probability of a call-up based on factors:
Has served in the military / not served
participated in combat operations / not participated
Is there a military registration specialisation
Is the rank of officer present?
Age (1-2-3 category)
Issues related to receiving a call-up notice
Forms for serving a call-up notice
The obligation to receive a call-up notice
Forms of serving a call-up notice – proper procedure
Liability for non-receipt of a call-up notice (administrative/criminal?)
- 2. Issues of the execution of a civil law relationship during forced absence owing to mobilisation
- 3. Issues of the execution of public law duties during forced absence owing to mobilisation
Tax administration
Issues associated with the performance of tax duties by mobilised persons
Electronic powers of attorney in legal relationships
Default interest on overdue taxes
Release from tax liability
The possibility of obtaining a delay / deferral of payment for taxes and levies
- 4. Issues related to the bankruptcy of mobilised persons
- 5. Assistance in obtaining powers of attorney, wills and other documents
- 6. Issues of social and other guarantees to mobilised persons and their families
- 7. Issues of territorial mobility
Issues with freedom of movement (meaning a "place of residence", which cannot be left without permission) – if there is an order for the region/if there is no order for the region – if applicable)
Departure on a business trip (within Russia / abroad)
Departure to a place of vacation (within Russia / abroad)
- 1. Foreign currency regulation
Advising on new regulatory acts in the area of foreign currency regulation, including, among other things, on the Russian President’s Decrees regarding special economic measures and additional temporary measures of an economic nature.
Assessing the possibility of counterclaims being set off and of using other ways to terminate obligations under foreign trade contracts or loan contracts concluded with non-residents.
Identifying any prohibitions or restrictions on consummating foreign currency transactions.
Providing support within the scope of interactions with foreign counterparties with a view to preventing violations of Russia’s foreign currency legislation.
Analysing the prospects of challenging fines or having them reduced for non-compliance with foreign currency legislation; gathering evidence supporting the absence of fault in such offences.
- 2. Finance
Legal support in the area of legal relationships with credit institutions and other organisations of the financial market (crediting, trade financing, financial instruments, insurance, etc.)
- 3. Criminal liability for performing sanctions in Russia. Legal analysis of business solutions
- 4. Corporate law
Providing legal support in the course of changing the structure of holding Russian assets to comply with current restrictions and retaining the ability to do business.
Providing legal support for changing the corporate management system.
Providing advice regarding the procedure for obtaining the required permits/consents to conclude transactions with foreign persons.
Setting up companies and relocating production under the preferential regimes of the Free Port of Vladivostok, advanced development areas and special administrative districts in order to decrease the tax burden.
Reviewing contracts with foreign counterparties, wh ere a contract cannot be performed taking into account sanctions and in the event of a force majeure, in order to develop a package of measures to mitigate losses.
Providing advice regarding issues connected with the introduction of the Russian anti-sanctions legislation and measures for supporting business in various spheres, including real estate (among other things, issues connected with beneficial tax rates).
- 5. Bankruptcy and anti-crisis protection of business
Assessing the risks of a company’s operations being terminated (suspended) in connection with sanctions, the potential introduction of a mechanism for the external management of a foreign company, bankruptcy legislation, administrative and criminal law liability, and devising hands-on recommendations for how these risks can be mitigated.
Developing a strategy for terminating company’s operations in the form of voluntary liquidation or by using the bankruptcy mechanism.
Initiating and handling bankruptcy cases on the side of either a debtor or a creditor.
Anti-crisis risk management in the context of the deteriorating financial standing of the company and/or its counterparties (mitigating the threat of liability for controlling persons, challenging transactions and actions aimed at performing same, or providing legal support in developing an anti-crisis roadmap).
Providing support during the conclusion and performance of contracts in the context of sanctions and potential insolvency of parties to the transaction (assessing the risks of contracts being terminated, obligations being withdrawn from, performance being accepted when the counterparty defaults on its obligations, or when its operations are suspended).
- 6. Customs law matters
Assessing existing and potential prohibitions and restrictions on the import or export of certain goods.
- 7. Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare
Offering legal support during the re-registration/indexing of registered prices for vital and essential medicines.
Providing legal support on matters concerning the accelerated registration procedure for medicines.
Offering legal support during transactions to acquire/sell a business in the sphere of pharmaceuticals in Russia and the EAEU; assisting with restructuring the business of pharmaceutical companies.
Advising on issues concerning changes in the procedure of the public procurement of medicines and medical devices.
Recommending on state support measures for pharmaceutical companies (preferences, benefits, subsidies, Special Investment Contracts, agreements to protect and encourage capital investments, etc.).
Advising on imports of non-registered medicines and medical devices.
Providing legal support during audits of pharmaceutical companies within the scope of state control, representing companies in interactions with supervisory authorities.
Protecting companies’ interests in cases concerning administrative offences in the pharmaceutical sector, including with regard to violating the rules for the circulation of vital and essential medicines, narcotic substances and precursors, or medical equipment.
Advising on complicated issues concerning the registration, promotion and sale (including through marketplaces) of medicines, medical devices and dietary supplements.
Providing legal support in handling complaints and court claims, including wh ere a contract cannot be performed or must be amended/terminated in connection with the circumstances; providing representation in courts of various levels.
- 8. Services for the IT sector
Legal assistance to IT companies with obtaining benefits and measures of support
Services of setting up IT companies in order to obtain benefits and measures of support
State accreditation
Preparing clarifications and legal opinions on how sanctions-related restrictions should be complied with
Conducting due diligence of Russian and foreign companies as to their compliance with legislation and the case law established against the backdrop of sanctions
Implementing electronic document management
- 9. Monitoring Russian legislation on restrictions and support measures for business during sanctions
Today, more than ever, business needs to be kept up-to-date on the legislative agenda. With our digest we make sure that you do not miss out on any changes in legal regulation and that you tap into state support measures.