
The deadline of the tax return campaign has been extended for individuals.

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Pepeliaev Group advises that the tax return campaign for individuals has been extended for 3 months.

In accordance with Resolution No. 409 of the Russian Government dated 2 April 2020 (the “Resolution”) in connection with the complicated epidemiological situation and within the framework of measures aimed at ensuring the sustainable development of the economy, it was resolved to extend the deadline for taxpayers to file tax returns by 3 months.

Therefore, the tax return campaign for filing tax returns for personal income tax is being extended and the deadline has been moved from 30 April 2020 until 30 July 2020.

However, the deadline for the payment of personal income tax has regrettably not been amended. Accordingly, the tax must still be paid not later than 15 July 2020.

comment.jpgProceeding from the position stated in the Resolution, which possibly is a defect of legal work, in fact the deadline for filing a tax return with respect to personal income tax is extended not until 30 July 2020, but until 15 July 2020, since without the prepared and filed tax return the taxpayer will face difficulties in performing its obligation to pay tax: to calculate the amount of tax correctly, to apply deductions and to transfer the tax amount to the state budget.

What to think about and what to do

For those individuals who have not yet filed tax return under form 3-NDFL, a unique opportunity presents itself to calculate the amount of personal income tax without haste, to apply deductions and declare all income from which tax has not been withheld by a tax agent in the Russian Federation, and to set off taxes withheld abroad at source if the Russian Federation has an international treaty with regard to taxation matters with the foreign state in which the source of income is located.

Help from your adviser

Pepeliaev Group's team is ready to assist you in determining income and deductions to be declared, as well as in preparing your tax return and filing it with tax authorities, including using the taxpayer’s personal account on the website nalog.ru.

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