

In 2023, the turnover of goods between India and Russia was higher than ever before, having doubled year-on-year. The mutual interest between Russian and Indian business is actively morphing into real investment projects which require qualified legal support.

Over many years Pepeliaev Group has been advising Indian companies that do business in Russia and supporting Russian businessmen who have decided to launch on the Indian market. Among our clients are major pharmaceutical companies, as well as manufacturers of cars, technology and equipment. The areas of working together along with the fields in which India makes exports are expanding robustly.

Our company is a member of associations that unite Indian businesses in Russia. Moreover, it has well established connections with the best law firms in India. On the one hand, this gives us a good understanding of the needs that Indian business has in Russia. On the other, it allows us to offer Russian companies that are starting out on the Indian market the top level of expertise and client service that they are used to.

Please feel free to contact us to discuss possible models and forms of cooperation at e-mail: info@pgplaw.ru

Natalia Prisekina has become the head of the MAC under the Russian CCI in Vladivostok
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