Geographical coverage
Key Services
1. Tax structuring in the GCC region
Selecting the best model for localising business operations in the states of the Persian Gulf (the GCC states);
Tax structuring of activity through the UAE and other GCC states;
Advising on tax issues of the application of legislation on the customs union of the states of the Persian Gulf;
Export and import operations in the GCC territory;
2. Tax consultancy in UAE
Preparing for the introduction of profit tax in the UAE;
Advising on VAT and profit tax in the UAE;
Applying national GAAR rules;
Complying with the requirements of qualified members of free zones;
Taxation in free zones and zones exempted from VAT (designated zones);
Application of international treaties of the UAE with other countries;
Specific aspects of the taxation of holding companies;
Transfer pricing issues in the UAE;
Tax due diligence;
3. Private Wealth Tax Services in UAE
Taxation of individuals in the UAE
Obtaining a tax residency certificate
4. Tax Compliance
Checking compliance with economic substance requirements
Preparing ESR notifications and reports
5. Tax support
Ruling and Clarification requests
Liaising with tax authorities in the UAE
6. Project management
Registering and providing legal support to onshore companies and companies in the free zones of the UAE;
Assessing and mitigating regulatory risks;
Advising on issues regarding the localisation of manufacturing in the UAE, onshore, in free zones and in 'super' free zones (designated zones);
Providing support for trade operations