
Pepeliaev Group’s experts at the Far East International Banking Law Forum

Pepeliaev Group’s experts played an active role in the business programme of the Far East International Banking Law Forum, which was organised by PJSC Sberbank. The event was held on 27-28 July in Vladivostok.

Natalia Prisekina, a Partner at Pepeliaev Group and Head of the firm’s Far East Office, moderated the plenary discussion “Turning East”, while Senior Associate Victoria Krupina spoke at the session.

During the discussion the experts analysed topical law enforcement issues arising when interacting with foreign investors and contracting parties, then determined the most efficient legal mechanisms and tools for resolving such issues.

Yulia Litovtseva, Head of the Bankruptcy and Anti-Crisis Protection of Business Practice at Pepeliaev Group, spoke at the session “Topical bankruptcy issues” about the bankruptcy of foreign companies in Russia as well as the attendant opportunities and risks.

Over 700 people attended the event online and in person.

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