
Pepeliaev Group has elected a new partner

Anna Berlina, the Head of Employment and Migration Law at Pepeliaev Group, has been elected a partner of the firm.

For over 17 years Anna has been providing legal support on a wide variety of employment law issues. Assisted by her team, Anna represents clients before courts and in dealings with the State Employment Inspectorate and Prosecutor’s Office. She handles employee dismissals and advises companies on the most complex of employment and migration law issues.

Chambers Europe has commended Anna’s meticulous approach and her in-depth analysis of every issue.

Sergey Pepeliaev, the firm's Senior Partner, comments as follows: "Pepeliaev Group's Employment and Migration Law practice has been the strongest in the Russian legal market for many years. Where can we grow further? Anna answers this question with one success after another and new complex cases that too much for other employment lawyers. Our new partner has all the tools for the job: the most consummate professionalism, experience, a strong team and her unyielding determination, often to the point of stubbornness. Then there is her amazing sense of humour: our clients are guaranteed not only to receive expertise and service, but also find themselves in excellent spirits. I have no doubt that we will be able to move from strength to strength in the field of employment law.”

Meanwhile, Anna Berlina herself says: "I am grateful to the partners of Pepeliaev Group for their trust and to all my colleagues with whom I have previously worked, for the learning and experience. In recent years, my team has achieved a tremendous amount. We are truly passionate about employment law: it is so lively, multifaceted, and dynamically developing that, I hope, the flames of our devotion to the field will burn brightly for a long time. Partnership is not just a recognition of merit, it is an incentive to press on towards new achievements”.

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