
Valentina Orlova has become one of the arbitrators of the Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs on IP disputes

Valentina Orlova, the Head of IP and Trademarks Practice at Pepeliaev Group, has become one of the arbitrators of the Arbitration Centre at the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (“RUIE”) on intellectual property disputes. Ms Orlova has also been included in the list of associated arbitrators of the RUIE.

This became possible after the Regulation on the Arbitration Centre at the RUIE was supplemented by an annex regulating the substantive competence of the Board, which includes the most extensive list of disputes related to the protection of intellectual property rights. Therefore, for the first time in Russia, the possibility for a full-fledged specialised arbitration institution to function in the field of intellectual property law has become a reality.

The Arbitration Centre at the RUIE is an independent permanently active arbitration institution which administers arbitration (arbitral proceedings) in compliance with the Federal Law “On arbitration (arbitral proceedings) in the Russian Federation” and the Law of the Russian Federation “On international commercial arbitration”.

The recommended list of arbitrators includes leading lawyers and attorneys, retired judges, prominent academics, business persons and public figures.

Valentina specialises in IP and provides clients with assistance in relation to copyright, software programs, databases, patent law, selective breeding achievements, and means of identification (such as trademarks, trade names, and commercial designations), among other matters.

Valentina has extensive experience of successfully representing Russian and foreign companies in the Chamber for Patent Disputes of the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, Patents and Trademarks (known by the Russian abbreviation “Rospatent”) when objections and applications are being considered, at the pre-trial stage of dispute resolution, and of acting as a legal expert in cases regarding the protection of IP assets.

Valentina Orlova is a member of Public Council at the Federal Service for Intellectual Property, a member of the Committee for Intellectual Property at the RUIE, and a member of the Academic and Advisory Council under the IP Court Valentina’s high level of expertise is confirmed by the ratings directories Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, The Legal 500, and Best Lawyers, as well as the specialist IP publications World IP Review, World Trademark Review and Managing Intellectual Property.

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