

Personal data protection
Made recommendations to a Russian telecommunications company for notifying Roskomnadzor of personal data processing, and for ensuring that personal data remained secure while being processed.
Employment disputes with former employees
Settled court disputes with former employees, including a general director. Held negotiations with employees, drafted procedural documents, and filed a counterclaim to have the general director reimburse losses.
Relationships with trade unions
Advised on negotiations with trade union that enjoyed support from representatives of the Association of Trade Unions, and on legal aspects of entering into collective agreements. Prepared recommendations on how to eliminate abuses of trade unions, drafted the applicable documents.
Structuring joint ventures
Advised on an innovation project regarding how to structure a joint venture between Russian and foreign investment funds.
Company formation
Assisted in establishing a venture in Russia. This involved support in forming a company, and advising on labour law, commercial law and tax matters.
Contractual manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and biological substances
Pepeliaev Group’s lawyers have provided legal support to a client within the framework of organising the contractual manufacturing of active pharmaceutical ingredients and biological substances jointly with a Russian pharmaceutical company. 
Pepeliaev Group's team has visited Ehrmann
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Roman Bevzenko is leaving Pepeliaev Group
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During their meeting, ministers of the BRICS countries discussed the development of cooperation in the field of justice. Many talking points were the same as those from the session “Legal assistance in the BRICS countries” at the St Petersburg Internation
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