
International Litigation and Arbitration Practice


State duties in courts increased Pepeliaev Group advises that court fees are being increased and that the list of actions subject to state duty in courts is being expanded.
Amendments have come into force to the Commercial Procedure Code

On 5 January 2024 amendments came into force to the Russian Commercial Procedure Code concerning the timeframes and procedure for commercial legal proceedings.

Amendments to the russian commercial procedure code: establishing the exclusive jurisdiction of Russian State commercial courts over disputes involving sanctioned persons

On 8 June 2020, the Russian President signed Federal Law No. 171-FZ “On amending the Russian Commercial Procedure Code in order to protect the rights of individuals and legal entities in connection with restrictive measures introduced by a foreign state, an association and/or union of states, and/or governmental (transnational) institution of a foreign state or association and/or union of states”.

The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce is opening access to its Ad Hoc Platform (free of charge for the period of the COVID-19 pandemic)

The Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (“SCC”) has announced the possibility of using its service for the online administration of arbitration proceedings (the SCC Platform) in ad hoc arbitration. The service will be available for any ad hoc arbitration.

Should we expect court proceedings to be conducted on Russia using Skype and similar applications?

The coronavirus epidemic is compelling people worldwide to be flexible and to adapt quickly to dramatic changes in circumstances. 

New legal positions with respect to applying legislation on business entities

Pepeliaev Group draws your attention to the changes in the case law involving certain issues of corporate legislation. 

The Plenum of the Russian Supreme Court has adopted a resolution explaining issues of interaction between state and arbitral jurisprudence

Pepeliaev Group advises that on 10 December 2019 the Russian Supreme Court adopted its Plenum’s Resolution No. 53 “On Russian courts performing assistance and control functions with respect to arbitral proceedings and international commercial arbitration”.