Advising on the application of land and environmental legislation, on requirements for the design of capital construction facilities and for the assessment of how intended economic and other activities would impact the environment, and writing published materials on environmental issues and overviews of courts’ main legal positions concerning the application of environmental legislation.
Yulia has a track record of participating in environmental audits (aimed at checking whether the production activity of enterprises is in line with environmental legislation), and providing support during audits of compliance with environmental legislation (state environmental supervision) conducted with respect to the users of natural resources both at the pre-trail stage and in court.
She also has experience of participating in litigations, including disputes over damage to the environment, the collection of charges for an adverse impact on environment and challenging the instructions of the Federal Supervisory Natural Resources Management Service.
Among Yulia's major projects, we would highlight the following:
has been involved in major court disputes over damage to the environment;
conducted regular training events for large industrial companies on environmental topics including on the handling of production waste, remediation of disturbed lands, legal regime for areas with special conditions of land use and compensation of damage caused to the environment.
Yulia is a moderator and author of a Telegram channel (PG Ecology) on environmental matters and of a catalogue bot (PG-ECO-bot) for overviews of judicial practice on environmental matters.
In addition, she is a speaker and moderator at events staged by Paradigma Personal Service Centre and by Pepeliaev Group.
Yulia is also the author of over 20 published items, including articles on environmental topics and overviews of judicial practice in several journals among which are Industrial Ecology, Municipal Solid Waste, Kommersant, Ratsionalnoe Osvoenie Nedr, Techexpert: Ekologiya and EcoStandard.journal.