Facts and figures
Facts and figures

Intellectual Leadership
Academic and educational work
The firm is involved in preparing for publication the works of Russian academics in finance law and tax law as well as the journal Nalogoved professionals. We also organise and support round tables and international academic and practical conferences on the most important taxation matters. One of the objectives behind this work is for a tax culture to emerge and spread among the professional community. This culture would combine fiscal policy and economic incentivisation in a reasonable and far-sighted way.
Academic work is one of Pepeliaev Group's priorities. At present 25 Doctors of Laws and PhDs work in the firm's different departments. Many of the firm's staff conduct academic research, are involved in academic boards of the country's leading higher education institutions and appear as opponents when theses are defended. All this helps to advance the science of law and to educate a new generation of highly qualified lawyers for a wide range of applications including government, legislative and judicial bodies, as well as business structures.
Pepeliaev Group pays much attention to supporting academia through publishing books and theses on various legislative matters and classic legal theory The firm regularly sponsors different projects and funds publishing of relevant academic literature including young lawyers' works and academic articles. We also support our experts' involvement in conferences and seminars. Pepeliaev Group is far ahead of other law firms in the scale of its book publishing projects. The firm has supported publishing of over 100 books on law-related themes. Books published with the firm's support are sent free of charge to libraries of leading Russian universities and research centres.
Publishing activities
Nalogoved journal
Publishing the monthly journal Nalogoved holds a special place in Pepeliaev Group's work. Many government structures receive this journal in regions of Russia where life is fundamentally different from the situation in the capital and where there is a hunger for information. Pepeliaev Group sees this non-profit project as its contribution to developing the social base for a civilised society so that tax-related matters could be solved.
Materials for Nalogoved are prepared by our firm's leading lawyers, who analyse the current situation and address the most urgent matters. Much attention is devoted to foreign experience, particularly to taxpayers' charters which are adopted in many countries and establish the parties' primary goals, rights and obligations.
Competition and Law journal
Thanks to an initiative involving Statut legal publishing house and law firm Pepeliaev Group, October 2010 saw the launch of the first and still the only specialised printed journal for all who are interested in competition matters.
The editorial board comprises representatives of the State Duma, the Russian Supreme Arbitration Court, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Federal Antimonopoly Service, and the Association of Lawyers of Russia. The publication has also received the support of foreign partners: the law faculty at Vienna University and the University of Iowa College of Law. The Chief Expert of the journal is the head of Pepeliaev Group’s antimonopoly practice, Elena Sokolovskaya.
The journal is published once every two months, and contains analytical materials relating to the application of competition law: commentaries on legislation, trends in case law, opinion pieces and descriptions from specialists of real cases, as well as interviews with representatives of state authorities and business.
Under the journal’s auspices, the International ‘Competition and Law’ Forum is held annually. Experts from Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia, USA and Russia take part.
The journal’s internet site at is the interactive part of ‘Competition and Law’. Here, you will always find an up-to-date scrolling banner of news from the world of competition along with a selection of analytical materials and live feedback from events as they happen.