
Taxpayers will be able to personally visit tax inspectorates starting from 15 June

The Russian Federal Tax Service has advised that, starting from 15 June, tax inspectorates will be able to meet with taxpayers in person, but by appointment only. To make an appointment you need to register in advance by using a special service, or by contacting a unified contact centre of the Federal Tax Service by phone: 8 (800) 222-22-22. When visiting a tax inspectorate one should be wearing a mask or using other personal protective equipment as established according to the specific measures taken in a specific region.

The Federal Tax Service has also issued a reminder that more than 50 online services are available at its official website using which a person can handle a wide range of issues without visiting the inspectorate. Moreover, the information on the website is updated regularly about measures of support to the businesses that were affected most. A taxpayer can request such state support by filing a relevant application online.


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