
Pepeliaev Group's lawyers successfully defended REHAU in a dispute with the Russian Federal Customs Service

The lawyers from Pepeliaev Group’s Customs and Foreign Trade Regulation Practice successfully defended one of the major manufacturers of plastic windows - REHAU - in a project that involved challenging decisions of the Federal Customs Service. The essence of the dispute was the classification of imported REHAU goods. 

Konstantin Gaynullin, the Chief Executive Officer of REHAU EAE comments: ‘Cases that involve challenging decisions of the customs authorities are difficult and disputes concerning classification have always been among the hardest in the category. Nevertheless, thanks to the lawyers’ consummate professionalism and the seamless interaction within the team, Pepeliaev Group managed to prove that the classification that was initially stated was correct. REHAU’s position was supported in the state commercial courts of all three levels: both when the case was considered for the first time and when it was reconsidered’. 

It is worth mentioning that the case was under consideration for more than three years. The project team comprised: Alexander Kosov, Partner; Igor Novokshonov, Senior Associate; Olga Evseeva, Associate. 

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