Oil and gas sector and mineral resource use
Pepeliaev Group has long-standing relations with companies from the fuel and energy sector and represents them in all branches of law. We help our clients implement the most diverse projects to develop their business strategically or maintain efficient performance. We offer services to over 40% of the oil and gas companies included in the Fortune 500 list of the 500 US major industrial companies. Independent international ratings give credit to our firm for historically strong positions in providing legal support to oil and gas companies.
Professional services
- Providing complex legal support to companies of the oil and gas sector from developing fields of natural resources and extracting hydrocarbons (upstream) up to refining, shipping and selling oil products (downstream);
- Providing support in transactions related to acquiring and disposing of assets in the fuel and energy sector; performing in-depth analysis taking into account the tax implications;
- Performing due diligence and tax audits of assets that are being acquired/disposed of;
- Providing legal support in implementing construction and reconstruction projects for manufacturing facilities and infrastructure;
- Providing support on PSA projects at the stage of entering into the agreement and its subsequent implementation; legal support and analysis of agreements being concluded between the project operator, investors and contractors, and other transactions, including an assessment of the tax risks;
- Advising on all legal issues arising in the course of the development of offshore fields;
- Providing legal support for the operations of businesses in this sector;
- Representing clients when dealing with regulatory authorities, drafting objections to and challenging acts/omissions or decisions of regulatory authorities by appealing to higher authorities or supervisory authorities, participating when objections and appeals are considered;
- Defending clients in court disputes, including in international arbitral tribunals;
- Providing tax advice in the extraction of minerals and assessing the tax consequences of other operations related to different types of the use of natural resources;
- Conducting a legal analysis of permission documents and identifying whether there are proper rights to develop fields and to perform the corresponding works;
- Providing legal support in legislative drafting work in the field of mineral resource use.