Home • News • Nine practice areas at Pepeliaev Group have strengthened their positions in the Pravo.ru-300 rating
Nine practice areas at Pepeliaev Group have strengthened their positions in the Pravo.ru-300 rating
Nine practice areas at Pepeliaev Group have strengthened their positions in the Pravo.ru-300 rating
Pepeliaev Group has achieved exceptional results in the Pravo.ru-300 rating.
This year, nine practice areas within the company have strengthened their positions in the rating. Thus, the top tier includes the following practices: antitrust, arbitration proceedings (mid-market), land law, real estate and construction, intellectual property (registration) and compliance. The finance and banking law practices have risen to the second tier and the international arbitration practice has risen to the third tier.
Pepeliaev Group’s St Petersburg Office has also performed outstandingly: the corporate law and M&A practices joined the land law, real estate and construction practice in the top tier.
Pepeliaev Group has retained last year’s high positions in 14 categories. The top tier has for many years included such practices as tax (tax consulting and tax disputes - at national level and in St Petersburg), employment law (at national level and in St Petersburg), customs (foreign trade) and the digital economy support group.
The second tier includes the intellectual property (defending rights and litigation, and consulting), life sciences and environmental practices. The third tier includes the bankruptcy (mid-market) and corporate law and M&A (high market) practices as well as the telecommunications group.
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