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Pepeliaev Group advises of a partial amendment in the regulation of shared construction for developers.

Pepeliaev Group advises that it is planned to introduce a national tracking system starting from 1 January 2021: a draft law to this effect has been put before the State Duma.

Pepeliaev Group advises that, on 13 July 2020, Federal Law No. 207-FZ “On amending article 46 of the Federal Law ‘On environmental protection’ and certain items of Russian legislation”  was published. This Federal Law introduces from 1 January 2021 new obligations for persons engaged in activities connected with the extraction, production, storage and sale of raw hydrocarbons and products made from them.

The Russian Government’s Resolution No. 1032 dated 11 July 2020 introduced amendments to the support measures for socially oriented non-for-profit organisations which were ‘adversely affected’ by the coronavirus restrictions.

It was approved today at the session of the Russian Government that individuals who stay in the Russian Federation from 90 days up to and including 182 days may recognise themselves as Russian tax residents in 2020 and, consequently, pay personal income tax at the rate of 13%, rather than the rate of 30% as established for non-residents. 

 Starting 15 July, organisations and entrepreneurs from “affected” industries and also socially-oriented not-for-profit organisations will be able to receive a subsidy of RUB 15.000 and on top of that RUB 6.5 for each employee for reimbursing expenses on the prevention of coronavirus.

Natalia Prisekina spoke at the 2024 Eastern Economic Forum
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Pepeliaev Group has been ranked among the top 5 methodologists in the field of tax monitoring according to Market.CNews
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Pepeliaev Group at the St Petersburg Legal Summit 2024
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